How to prepare an application for authorisation
The purpose of this manual is to assist in the preparation of an application for authorisation and its submission to the European Chemicals Agency (ECHA). More particularly it outlines the IUCLID sections and fields to be filled-in in order to prepare an application according to Title VII of REACH.
It should be noted that the aim of this manual is to help the applicants to identify which of the numerous IUCLID fields are of prime importance for a successful submission of an application: all the “mandatory” sections (see chapter 7. How to create a Substance dataset) need to be filled-in to enable ECHA to process the application. The generated IUCLID application for authorisation dossier can then be submitted to ECHA through REACH-IT.
Instructions in this manual cover applications made by one or several persons (legal entities), applying for one or several uses for one or several substances.
Bibliographic information
How to prepare an application for authorisation.
7. edition. Helsinki: European Chemicals Agency (ECHA) 2021.
ISBN: 978-92-9247-968-8, pages 79, PDF-Datei, DOI: 10.2823/07368